Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I did not make New Years Resolutions this year. Is that a sin? I feel as if I'm doing something wrong. New Years Emperor's may I please make my New Years Resolutions a few days late? Your allowance would be greatly appreciated. Here is a quick synapses of my goals anyways!
1. More time for me. Less time devoted to technology. (Ironic since I'm sitting here on my lap top).
2. Keep being as healthy as I've been this year. Maybe find some vitamins to make up for my lack of meat.
3. Keep my priorities straight.
  • Myself
  • My Family
  • The gospel
  • My Future (School, dating right people, careers etc.)
(Those were not in any particular order they are just my top priorities I sometimes seem to forget about!)
4. Take time for the simple things. Read a book, go on a walk, ride my bike, write a letter.
5. Make a big confidence boost. I think I lost a little in 2010.
My list of resolutions could go on forever and could be much more detailed, but I think those would have to be my top 5.

When I first started looking back at 2010 I had a lot of regrets. When I started thinking even more I had a lot of great accomplishments that I wouldn't have traded for the world. A lot of those accomplishments were fired by past regrets. So as much as it hurts sometimes to look back and see some regret I am so thankful for those regrets of 2010. I'm prepared to become that much stronger in 2011.