July; Well since this was my last July before I moved out our family just went crazy! We went outdoors a lot! We went to Bryce Canyon and Zion. I LOVE the outdoors so this was just fine with me! I also got to go to lake powell for the first time with my good friend Kate and her family! I love the Knaras's:) Definitely a great summer! Below; Bryce Canyon

Left; Angels Landing in Zion (Best hike EVER!)
Right; Kate and I in Lake Powell
August; I MOVED OUT! Out on my own into the big world of Logan, Utah:) It was a big change but I was definitely ready! Started school at Utah State and am still loving it! I just wish it wasn't so cold!
September; Nothing too exciting just getting used to school! Advice: No matter how much you think you can you can't study in your apartment when your roommates are home!
October; Still getting used to school even though the semester is like half way over! HALLOWEEN! We went to the Howl, biggest party in utah!
November; Thanksgiving! We went to my Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house in Fillmore, Utah and ate food:) Then we made chocolates and went and cut down our Christmas tree! Love the family traditions. Kevin Gee left to Australia on his mish mash! (Pictures will come soon I don't have them on my lap top quite yet!)

December; I came home at the beginning of the month and I get a whole month off! It has been so nice! This break was much needed! I've gotten to spend a lot of time with friends I never get to see! Jimmy Edwards left to Washington! Then of course Christmas! I love Christmas it's just such a happy holiday! This year I did all my mom's Christmas shopping. Let me just tell you that is not the funnest thing to do in the whole wide world! Oh well I liked all my presents! Our family came here from California so we did a lot of fun stuff with them! I will post of few pics but there will definitely be more to come so keep checking there are some funny ones!
Ugly Sweater Affair 09
This year has had it's ups and downs but it has definitely been a great year! Sad to see it end but ready for the new year full of adventures to come! It's been fun to look back on all the big and small events! I have lot's of plans for next year so we'll see how those work out! See ya 09! Hello 2010!
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