Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Santa I've been a good girl this year!
Today was Christmas wrapping day, because do you know what tomorrow is? CHRISTMAS! Don't worry everyone I realize that the date tomorrow is the 22nd BUT for me this year my first Christmas is on the 22nd at 10:00 PM. (I'll tell you how it goes!) Every year we get together with my dad's side of the family. They either come here to Utah or we go to California. This year were going to California so we have most of our Christmas before we leave! So I helped my mom by wrapping the presents this year! Yes I wrapped mine but I was a good girl and didn't even peek! My favorite part of the Christmas season is being with my family! We did so much with my Grandma Oka when she was here that now it's a good time to just look back at memories with her. It really doesn't matter the day or if there are presents. As long as there is lot's of family and memories it's Christmas:)
Monday, December 13, 2010
I hate today, and tomorrow, and the next day:(
Finals stink. That's all there is to it. Burn yourself out until you feel like you can't go any longer and then guess what! You get to do it all again tomorrow! Genius idea right! Wrong. My body/brain can not handle this overload! So in spite of this horrible week they call finals week I'm going to make a list.
1. Multiple large comprehensive finals
2. The fact that for some reason finals justifies HORRIBLE! junk food
3. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning studying and then waking up 3 hours later to take the final
4. Having to study in the library where annoying girls chomp their popcorn incredibly loud!
5. Failing a final you worked your bum bum off for
6. My social life is no existent
7. Not being able to attend to my nightly ritual of watching Arrested Development before I go to bed
8. Thinking it's Thursday and looking at the calender and it says Monday
9. Feeling guilty for turning on the television for 15 minutes
10. Being so tired I don't even put my sheets all the way on my bed before going to sleep
Finals stink.
1. Multiple large comprehensive finals
2. The fact that for some reason finals justifies HORRIBLE! junk food
3. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning studying and then waking up 3 hours later to take the final
4. Having to study in the library where annoying girls chomp their popcorn incredibly loud!
5. Failing a final you worked your bum bum off for
6. My social life is no existent
7. Not being able to attend to my nightly ritual of watching Arrested Development before I go to bed
8. Thinking it's Thursday and looking at the calender and it says Monday
9. Feeling guilty for turning on the television for 15 minutes
10. Being so tired I don't even put my sheets all the way on my bed before going to sleep
Finals stink.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Today is one of those days where I have SO much on my mind and yet can not stop on a complete thought. Don't you hate those days. You just want to sit down and have a relaxing meditation and your head thinks you want to be on a game show with a million different thoughts and facts running through your head! I suppose this will also make more an interesting entry, or a completely disastrous entry. Were just going to do a quick break down of the thoughts so here goes! Keep a pillow and blanket close by just in case.
First thought. You are who your family is. Do you believe it. I think it's crap. You are whoever you want to be. Yes your family plays a part in making you who you are, but you can choose the direction you go. Good or bad. Another thing. No one's family is perfect. Everyone has imperfect stuff that goes on behind closed doors. Inevitable. So don't hide behind family problems. Man up. Yes family issues are hard, but life's hard.
Second thought. I really want bangs. Like these! I'm scared though. I don't usually get scared about hair, it grows.
Third thought. Why do crazies come out of the wood works all at once. Is there a club? If there is I want to know. It'd be fun to be on the other side for a change. Break up with your girlfriend this morning and want to get to know me 3 hours later. Don't think so. Meet me once and tell me you can't think of anything better that could have happened. Funny joke. Go stand in your corner and don't come out until you know how to behave properly. Thanks.
There are plenty more thoughts up there and much more expounding upon but I could feel myself getting enraged about a few so I'm going to leave it at that. Blogging therapy was a fail tonight. My brains wanted to turn it's 5K into a marathon.
First thought. You are who your family is. Do you believe it. I think it's crap. You are whoever you want to be. Yes your family plays a part in making you who you are, but you can choose the direction you go. Good or bad. Another thing. No one's family is perfect. Everyone has imperfect stuff that goes on behind closed doors. Inevitable. So don't hide behind family problems. Man up. Yes family issues are hard, but life's hard.
Second thought. I really want bangs. Like these! I'm scared though. I don't usually get scared about hair, it grows.

There are plenty more thoughts up there and much more expounding upon but I could feel myself getting enraged about a few so I'm going to leave it at that. Blogging therapy was a fail tonight. My brains wanted to turn it's 5K into a marathon.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Christmas List
Isn't Christmas list writing suppose to be fun! Remember, when your a little kid and you write Santa a letter with a cute little picture on it. I've almost forgotten those blissful days of writing Christmas lists! I have been sitting in the same spot for 3 hours trying to stir up some things that I want. You would think that would be easy, but no the one time I am told to ask for something I can't seem to do it! Isn't it silly how life is that way sometimes. You are finally told to go ahead and eat that last cupcake and there goes all the fun. Okay bad example cupcakes are yummy all the time but you catch my drift. So I've decided, since I am currently sitting at my house instead of in my apartment because the storm was just to bad and the sun was just dropping so fast, I will bring the joy back into writing Christmas letters!

And the completed Christmas list! Definitely much more enjoyable to do it this way. When I was thinking what to say to Santa I really had to think, "was I a nice girl this year?" I pretty sure my conclusion was right, at least I sure hope so! I you been a good girl or boy this year?

Sunday, November 21, 2010
I'm Back!
Did I think I was ever going to come back to blogging? No. But here I am. I suppose I'm just born to be a blogger! Technology is just taking over! It's so much harder to pick up a pen and pencil and write. So we'll try this typing thing again. Lot's has changed since I've been here last. Quick update. Summer was amazing! Lot's of adventures! Ran a half marathon, conquered a triathlon, made it to the top of Timp, said bye to lot's of friends:( married off some friend, okay just one. Lot's of fun! Now I'm a Sophomore at Utah State University, soon to change......I think. School is kicking my butt. But when is it not let's be serious. Roommates are good? haha changes daily so that's just what I'll keep it as for now! I don't have braces! That's the best thing! Me!
All of my friends are on missions:( It's killing me not having Russell around. And I'm in love with Kyle ha. Maybe not it love since I don't even know what that word means. Joshua's still here! He's leaving in a month and I don't know what I'm going to do. Life overall is. . . . . .bareable? That doesn't sound as good as I would like it to but I don't know a better word to explain it. So that's me right now. I'm sure there is more to update but it's almost 1 in the morning and I am TIRED! Welcome to the life of a college student!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Little Acts
It's amazing how such little things can affect someone's whole day! I started thinking about it this morning and I couldn't stop! Today on the bus coming home from my class this guy was on the phone. He called his friend and asked him if he was still looking for a job. The man on the bus had put in a good word with his boss and was now calling his friend to tell him to send in the application! Imagine being the friend on the other end of the phone call. Who knows how long he has been looking for a job? Maybe he's just looking for a change from his career now, maybe he's been jobless for awhile? That one event could change his life!
Today at the post office I was waiting to pick up a package. A man didn't notice the line and went right to the front. To me this seemed like no big deal. A lady farther back in line yells out, "hey she was in line first." He replies, "oh I'm sorry I didn't notice the line." Frustrated the lady says, "it's fine just go ahead." The man handed his letter to the employee and left, a simple 5 second process. After he left the lady began to talk badly about the man. He had not intended to step on anyones toes at all! I began to think what came of this womans actions, or what could have come from it? I know I felt a little frustrated that this woman couldn't spare 5 precious seconds of her life waiting in line. The man could have felt embarrassed, annoyed, or frustrated. I know this woman was frustrated because she definitely let everyone know.
The little things we do and say have an affect whether we think the do or not. We should try a little harder to affect peoples lives for the better rather than the worse.
"People may not always remember what you did or said but they will ALWAYS remember the way you made them feel."
Today at the post office I was waiting to pick up a package. A man didn't notice the line and went right to the front. To me this seemed like no big deal. A lady farther back in line yells out, "hey she was in line first." He replies, "oh I'm sorry I didn't notice the line." Frustrated the lady says, "it's fine just go ahead." The man handed his letter to the employee and left, a simple 5 second process. After he left the lady began to talk badly about the man. He had not intended to step on anyones toes at all! I began to think what came of this womans actions, or what could have come from it? I know I felt a little frustrated that this woman couldn't spare 5 precious seconds of her life waiting in line. The man could have felt embarrassed, annoyed, or frustrated. I know this woman was frustrated because she definitely let everyone know.
The little things we do and say have an affect whether we think the do or not. We should try a little harder to affect peoples lives for the better rather than the worse.
"People may not always remember what you did or said but they will ALWAYS remember the way you made them feel."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Christmas Picture 09. . . . . Priceless
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