It's amazing how such little things can affect someone's whole day! I started thinking about it this morning and I couldn't stop! Today on the bus coming home from my class this guy was on the phone. He called his friend and asked him if he was still looking for a job. The man on the bus had put in a good word with his boss and was now calling his friend to tell him to send in the application! Imagine being the friend on the other end of the phone call. Who knows how long he has been looking for a job? Maybe he's just looking for a change from his career now, maybe he's been jobless for awhile? That one event could change his life!
Today at the post office I was waiting to pick up a package. A man didn't notice the line and went right to the front. To me this seemed like no big deal. A lady farther back in line yells out, "hey she was in line first." He replies, "oh I'm sorry I didn't notice the line." Frustrated the lady says, "it's fine just go ahead." The man handed his letter to the employee and left, a simple 5 second process. After he left the lady began to talk badly about the man. He had not intended to step on anyones toes at all! I began to think what came of this womans actions, or what could have come from it? I know I felt a little frustrated that this woman couldn't spare 5 precious seconds of her life waiting in line. The man could have felt embarrassed, annoyed, or frustrated. I know this woman was frustrated because she definitely let everyone know.
The little things we do and say have an affect whether we think the do or not. We should try a little harder to affect peoples lives for the better rather than the worse.
"People may not always remember what you did or said but they will ALWAYS remember the way you made them feel."
Oka! I didn't know you had a blog!!! shoot. This is awesome!!