Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm A Big Kid Now!

So today I was thinking, "who really reads these?" I mean really! I used to think I should have a reality tv show with all the things going on in my life, but now it doesn't seem so eventful. Oh well if anything this will be a great way for me to remember all the crazy things that go on! Today was a stressful day! Huge biology exam coming up on friday and am I ready for it? Probably not. So I have been studying all day! My one time to let loose for the day was going to Lee's marketplace! It's the local grocery store just around the corner. For some reason I really really wanted something gooey, something possibly like pudding! Now pudding would be quite reasonable but for some reason I just kept wanting baby food! That's right baby food, not just any baby food either banana baby food! So I went down the isle to get it and there was an unusually large amount of people down the isle. So like the creeper that I am I walked past a few times waiting for people to leave. All I wanted was my freakin baby food and these people were taking their sweet time! So Sam (chloee's boyfriend) said you know what let me just get it for you. I made the mistake of saying yes. As chloee and I are walking to the other end of the grocery store I hear someone yell out, "Oka! What kind of baby food did you want!" Yes people definitely looked at me like I was crazy and as much as I hate to admit it my face was definitely red. Moral of the story, is the baby food really worth it? YA IT IS!!

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