Today I went to my friend Kevin Gee's mission farwell. Next week he will be leaving to Australia to serve the Lord of 2 years! I couldn't be more proud of him! His talk was amazing! Definitely one of the best farwell talks I have heard! It means so much more when people tell personal stories and he had so many great examples confirming the truthfulness of the church and it's principles. I love going to friends farwell talks because you really get to hear their testimony and feeling the spirit they carry with them! That doesn't usually just come up in conversations when your just hanging out. Kevin Gee is going to be such a great missionary! He has such a strong testimony, and I'm so grateful for his example!
I never knew how hard of a decision it actually was to go on a mission. Every since I was little I thought girls become mom's and boys go on missions it's as simple as that! I had a seminary teacher say, "A mission is like tithing on your life." Not until really this year have I realized it really is a huge decision in young men's lives. Although I still believe it is true young men should go on missions I look up to them so much more then I did before! It takes a lot of sacrifice to just put you life on hold for 2 years! I really look up to those young men who honestly try and go on missions. I don't know if I could do it! I'm so grateful for all of those who have and are going on missions, they are such a great example to me and are helping so many people! "If you put the Lord first in your life everything will work out." I'm praying for all you missionaries:)
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