My Family!
I've always loved and appreciated my family but I know I have realized what they have done for me even more now that I'm living on my own! My parents are such great examples to me! It was weird for me to move away and realize a lot of people don't have the same values my parents taught me! I'm so grateful they did because now when I come across what may seem like huge decisions for people their easy for me! I also am so grateful for my family because no matter what is going on in the rest of my life they are the only thing that stays cons
tant! I know they will love me no matter what! My sisters really are my best friends! I LOVE THEM!!
The Gospel!

The Gospel!
Some days I think to myself, "how do people seriously make it through the day without the gospel!" There are days I know I could not have made it through if I didn't have the knowledge that I have, knowing that I'm never alone! I literally have a prayer in my heart all the time! The Lord has helped me in so many ways! I definitely would not be the person I am today without the gospel! "If you put the Lord first everything else will work out." I love KNOWING that everything is going to work out just great if i do the things I need to do!
My Friends
I have had a lot of good friends in my life, some turned out to be really great friends some just temporary. Although I have been
hurt by some, I have been strengthed by so many! I have learned so much from friends that have contributed to who I am today. I have definitely counted on some friends to get me through some tough times and they really have helped in ways I couldn't have even imagined! My friends are one of the reasons why I can keep smiling even through the tough times!

The Little Things
I'm thankful for so many simple little things that just make me happy! Warm beds, juice boxes, good movies, technology, stars, swings, clothes, blankets, great books, so many resources to get gospel knowledge, ice cream specifically red mango, good hair days, sports, great music, inspirational quotes, overall great days!
I have been blessed with so many great things in my life! What I and so many other people need to do is remember them constantly! The great things definitely out number the bad things and one day won't even matter!
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