Sunday, November 22, 2009
This week was reality TV worthy!
Wow and when I think my life is boring it begins to pick up! So let's see let me start with the beginning of the week! First eventful day: So my roommate Tristynn Kohl went on a date with this boy. He is friends with the boys that live below us. He was trying to remember all of our names and points to me and says," your oka right." Of course I said yes and he said, "ya philippo (we'll name this boy phillippo for the sake of embarrassment on his part) talks aboout you a lot. Triystnn Kohl comes home from her date says, "guess what! Apparantely philippo tells all of the boys downstairs that you really want to get with him but he doesn't want to have anything to do with it!" HAHAHAHAHA Best freakin thing I have ever heard since he's the one rubbing soap on his body at FHE and telling me to look at him and watching my every move! Oh and runs in asking to take me on a date and chloee said NO! This was a perfect new creeper story to and to my collection, which is getting quite large! Now the question is confront him or not? I'm thinking confront him lol. Second eventful day: After the football game that night we went home (chloee, her boyfriend, aubrie and I). So on the way home were thinking were making great time! Then a half hour away from home we get a flat tire! This would happen to me! Midnight and were on the side of the freeway, about 21 cars per min. passing us and no one stopped!!! NO ONE! I couldn't even believe it, next time I see someone on the side of the road I'm totally stopping! Even though I don't know how to do anything, I'm sure they would enjoy some comfort just like I would have liked! Oh well after a half hour Sam (chloee's boyfriend) had changed the tire and we were on our way. Instead of getting home at 12:30 we got home at 1:30! The funny thing is at the game I was telling chloee at least if we die on the side of the road we'll have all our stuff. Then when we were driving sam was thinking I've never changed the tire in this car before! Weird huh!! We were so lucky though if it would have happened even 2 min. later we wouldn't have been able to pull over because of construction! PRAY BEFORE ROAD TRIPS! It really does make a difference!
Third Day: I got to see my best friend who I haven't seen in like 4 months! It was great but interesting to say the least. I don't especially want to tell the story in case anyone really does read this but basically all I have to say is that I have high expectations and therefore I am continually let down. Second thing I have to say is that boys, girls are not stupid! You may think they have no idea what you are talking about but they do! When you say I'll just text you to your buddy, they know it's about them. If you want to sit somewhere else say it don't say geeze I don't like sitting on the end! That was my little vent session, much needed! Fourth day: Went to singles ward and heard this guy talk about everything and nothing at the same time in the worst monotone voice ever! Then this girl starts praying about the sun and the rain like what on earth, is this world coming too! I love my family! They never let me down, I definitely can always count on them. It get's pretty crazy with us four girls! This video will explain everything!
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