Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's finish it up!

Well it's been a long night (not really I just watched Along Came Polly and Russell played with mine and Kylee's hair lol Love ya boo!) but I'm ready to go back down memory lane!
July; Well since this was my last July before I moved out our family just went crazy! We went outdoors a lot! We went to Bryce Canyon and Zion. I LOVE the outdoors so this was just fine with me! I also got to go to lake powell for the first time with my good friend Kate and her family! I love the Knaras's:) Definitely a great summer! Below; Bryce Canyon

Left; Angels Landing in Zion (Best hike EVER!)

Right; Kate and I in Lake Powell

August; I MOVED OUT! Out on my own into the big world of Logan, Utah:) It was a big change but I was definitely ready! Started school at Utah State and am still loving it! I just wish it wasn't so cold!September; Nothing too exciting just getting used to school! Advice: No matter how much you think you can you can't study in your apartment when your roommates are home!
October; Still getting used to school even though the semester is like half way over! HALLOWEEN! We went to the Howl, biggest party in utah!November; Thanksgiving! We went to my Grandma and Grandpa Brown's house in Fillmore, Utah and ate food:) Then we made chocolates and went and cut down our Christmas tree! Love the family traditions. Kevin Gee left to Australia on his mish mash! (Pictures will come soon I don't have them on my lap top quite yet!)

December; I came home at the beginning of the month and I get a whole month off! It has been so nice! This break was much needed! I've gotten to spend a lot of time with friends I never get to see! Jimmy Edwards left to Washington! Then of course Christmas! I love Christmas it's just such a happy holiday! This year I did all my mom's Christmas shopping. Let me just tell you that is not the funnest thing to do in the whole wide world! Oh well I liked all my presents! Our family came here from California so we did a lot of fun stuff with them! I will post of few pics but there will definitely be more to come so keep checking there are some funny ones!

Ugly Sweater Affair 09

This year has had it's ups and downs but it has definitely been a great year! Sad to see it end but ready for the new year full of adventures to come! It's been fun to look back on all the big and small events! I have lot's of plans for next year so we'll see how those work out! See ya 09! Hello 2010!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


So I figure since it's almost the new year it's a good time to recap on 09! Since it's so hard to cover a year, I'm going to do this in two seperate posts. The first post will be the first 6 months! 09 was a great year but it just seemed to fly by! Maybe this well help a little bit!
January; Half way done with senior year and I was definitely ready to get out of there and try something new! Jocelyn and I went to her dad's cabin in Idaho! It was a lot of fun! I went snowmobiling and played pocino for the first time POCINO (everyone should play this game!)!! But we did meet Vallarie........I wouldn't even know where to begin with that woman! I can honestly say craziest person I have ever met! February; Katie turned 12 and Hannah turned 10 on Feb. 3! I got my wisdom teeth out:( I ate KFC mashed potatoes for so long! We went to Disneyland! I don't even remember the last time I had been there! I just love it there everything is just so happy! I still love the kids rides so much, but my all time favorite will always and forever be indiana jones!March; Got my braces on:( They say it should only be a year and I'm hoping the orthodentist stays true to his word! On our way to a great season in lacrosse! Sadee and I were team captians, fun but definitely took some work!
April; I turned 18! My last lacrosse game of high school:( Sure I'll play lacrosse forever but never with all those girls. It was a great and challenging season and I loved every minute of it!May; I began the countdown to graduation! School just seemed to go so slow that last month! I think because we were having all of our end of the year stuff like Senior Dinner Dance! Because of senior dinner dance Sadee and I also got to take Chloee dress shopping for the first time ever! That was probably the one and only time we could have gotten Chloee to try on whatever we told her to;) I also graduated Seminary!
June; GRADUATION! Finally the day I was finally done with high school hade come! Jocelyn, Chloee, Sadee and I went on our senior trip to Idaho. We went to Jocelyn's dads cabin again. Fun and interesting all at the same time. That trip would take a whole entry alone!

Very good first half of 09! But really that feels like it has been years ago! I really had to rack my brain to remember what happened! So much happened in the last half but it has been so much fun! No wonder time flew!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Opposite Lifestyle

I was thinking the other day about life in general. I don't know if this is how it is with everyone or if I'm just crazy, but it seems like too quickly we give away things that mean the most and we don't do the little things as much as we should! It's so easy to put your trust in someone, but do you really know them? So quick to say I love you, but do you mean it? These things are so simply done without thinking at all! But how many times do you say thank you when someone does something nice for you? How many times do you think and do things for someone else before yourself? How long does it take for you to fully forgive someone? These things are so simple and yet sometimes they are the hardest things to do! It's amazing to me that the things I should do without even thinking about are so hard to do and the things I should think about before doing don't seem to phase me. I'm getting better at this but we all need a little work. Remember next time someone holds the door to say thank you. Your life might be hard but try to think about those people whose life is harder. Remember to do the little things and think a little harder about the things that really mean a lot to give away!
Try a little harder each day to be a little better.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Best Buddies

In more than one way am I so grateful that I decided to participate in the best buddy program! First of all the best buddies program is a club at my school where everyone get's assigned a mentally challenged friend. Then you hang out with them about twice a month. My buddies name is Mackie he is 35 years old and he is so cute! He break dances, loves sports, and cookies!! He seriously could eat more cookies then the cookie monster:) My friend Shalee is also participating in best buddies. Her best buddy's name is Richard. He is so much fun. So talkative and definitely the biggest Jazz fan I have ever seen! Yesterday we got to hang out with them! We made sugar cookies, frosted them and watched some of the jazz game. It really was so much fun! Definitely the best way to spend a saturday night. They are just so genuine and really are true friends. I mean they are not afraid to say what they are feeling and sometimes that is hard to come by. Richard works at the temple every day in the cafeteria. When we asked Mackie what his favorite thing to do is he said to do dishes. He is such a good helper! I was so nervous to do this at first by now I am so grateful I did! These boys are going to teach me so much throughout the year I can already tell! I am also so grateful I'm doing this because Shalee and I are becoming closer friends. She is such an amazing person! I can't believe how strong she is! She is definitely a great example. Thank you best buddies program for giving me the opportunity to create some great friendships!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dedicated to Kevin Gee and all those present/future/past missionaries

Today I went to my friend Kevin Gee's mission farwell. Next week he will be leaving to Australia to serve the Lord of 2 years! I couldn't be more proud of him! His talk was amazing! Definitely one of the best farwell talks I have heard! It means so much more when people tell personal stories and he had so many great examples confirming the truthfulness of the church and it's principles. I love going to friends farwell talks because you really get to hear their testimony and feeling the spirit they carry with them! That doesn't usually just come up in conversations when your just hanging out. Kevin Gee is going to be such a great missionary! He has such a strong testimony, and I'm so grateful for his example!

I never knew how hard of a decision it actually was to go on a mission. Every since I was little I thought girls become mom's and boys go on missions it's as simple as that! I had a seminary teacher say, "A mission is like tithing on your life." Not until really this year have I realized it really is a huge decision in young men's lives. Although I still believe it is true young men should go on missions I look up to them so much more then I did before! It takes a lot of sacrifice to just put you life on hold for 2 years! I really look up to those young men who honestly try and go on missions. I don't know if I could do it! I'm so grateful for all of those who have and are going on missions, they are such a great example to me and are helping so many people! "If you put the Lord first in your life everything will work out." I'm praying for all you missionaries:)

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I know it's a little late but you should be grateful everyday not just on thanksgiving! From my last post we can all tell I was not having the best of days to say the least and I know we all have days like that! There have been so many times in my life where I have thought of how much I would like to just lock myself in my room only coming out when I had to. Never letting anyone in my not telling anyone about problems I'm dealing with and just avoid them. Never get to close so I won't ever get hurt. Everytime I think like this no matter how badly I really want to pursue my thoughts I begin to think of all the things in my life I'm so grateful for and why I can't do this. This thanksgiving I had a lot to be grateful for! I think I was given that horrible day to really really make me grateful for what I have! So here is a list of the things I am grateful for!
My Family!I've always loved and appreciated my family but I know I have realized what they have done for me even more now that I'm living on my own! My parents are such great examples to me! It was weird for me to move away and realize a lot of people don't have the same values my parents taught me! I'm so grateful they did because now when I come across what may seem like huge decisions for people their easy for me! I also am so grateful for my family because no matter what is going on in the rest of my life they are the only thing that stays constant! I know they will love me no matter what! My sisters really are my best friends! I LOVE THEM!!
The Gospel!
Some days I think to myself, "how do people seriously make it through the day without the gospel!" There are days I know I could not have made it through if I didn't have the knowledge that I have, knowing that I'm never alone! I literally have a prayer in my heart all the time! The Lord has helped me in so many ways! I definitely would not be the person I am today without the gospel! "If you put the Lord first everything else will work out." I love KNOWING that everything is going to work out just great if i do the things I need to do!
My Friends
I have had a lot of good friends in my life, some turned out to be really great friends some just temporary. Although I have been hurt by some, I have been strengthed by so many! I have learned so much from friends that have contributed to who I am today. I have definitely counted on some friends to get me through some tough times and they really have helped in ways I couldn't have even imagined! My friends are one of the reasons why I can keep smiling even through the tough times!

The Little Things
I'm thankful for so many simple little things that just make me happy! Warm beds, juice boxes, good movies, technology, stars, swings, clothes, blankets, great books, so many resources to get gospel knowledge, ice cream specifically red mango, good hair days, sports, great music, inspirational quotes, overall great days!

I have been blessed with so many great things in my life! What I and so many other people need to do is remember them constantly! The great things definitely out number the bad things and one day won't even matter!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This week was reality TV worthy!

Wow and when I think my life is boring it begins to pick up! So let's see let me start with the beginning of the week! First eventful day: So my roommate Tristynn Kohl went on a date with this boy. He is friends with the boys that live below us. He was trying to remember all of our names and points to me and says," your oka right." Of course I said yes and he said, "ya philippo (we'll name this boy phillippo for the sake of embarrassment on his part) talks aboout you a lot. Triystnn Kohl comes home from her date says, "guess what! Apparantely philippo tells all of the boys downstairs that you really want to get with him but he doesn't want to have anything to do with it!" HAHAHAHAHA Best freakin thing I have ever heard since he's the one rubbing soap on his body at FHE and telling me to look at him and watching my every move! Oh and runs in asking to take me on a date and chloee said NO! This was a perfect new creeper story to and to my collection, which is getting quite large! Now the question is confront him or not? I'm thinking confront him lol. Second eventful day: After the football game that night we went home (chloee, her boyfriend, aubrie and I). So on the way home were thinking were making great time! Then a half hour away from home we get a flat tire! This would happen to me! Midnight and were on the side of the freeway, about 21 cars per min. passing us and no one stopped!!! NO ONE! I couldn't even believe it, next time I see someone on the side of the road I'm totally stopping! Even though I don't know how to do anything, I'm sure they would enjoy some comfort just like I would have liked! Oh well after a half hour Sam (chloee's boyfriend) had changed the tire and we were on our way. Instead of getting home at 12:30 we got home at 1:30! The funny thing is at the game I was telling chloee at least if we die on the side of the road we'll have all our stuff. Then when we were driving sam was thinking I've never changed the tire in this car before! Weird huh!! We were so lucky though if it would have happened even 2 min. later we wouldn't have been able to pull over because of construction! PRAY BEFORE ROAD TRIPS! It really does make a difference!Third Day: I got to see my best friend who I haven't seen in like 4 months! It was great but interesting to say the least. I don't especially want to tell the story in case anyone really does read this but basically all I have to say is that I have high expectations and therefore I am continually let down. Second thing I have to say is that boys, girls are not stupid! You may think they have no idea what you are talking about but they do! When you say I'll just text you to your buddy, they know it's about them. If you want to sit somewhere else say it don't say geeze I don't like sitting on the end! That was my little vent session, much needed! Fourth day: Went to singles ward and heard this guy talk about everything and nothing at the same time in the worst monotone voice ever! Then this girl starts praying about the sun and the rain like what on earth, is this world coming too! I love my family! They never let me down, I definitely can always count on them. It get's pretty crazy with us four girls! This video will explain everything!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm A Big Kid Now!

So today I was thinking, "who really reads these?" I mean really! I used to think I should have a reality tv show with all the things going on in my life, but now it doesn't seem so eventful. Oh well if anything this will be a great way for me to remember all the crazy things that go on! Today was a stressful day! Huge biology exam coming up on friday and am I ready for it? Probably not. So I have been studying all day! My one time to let loose for the day was going to Lee's marketplace! It's the local grocery store just around the corner. For some reason I really really wanted something gooey, something possibly like pudding! Now pudding would be quite reasonable but for some reason I just kept wanting baby food! That's right baby food, not just any baby food either banana baby food! So I went down the isle to get it and there was an unusually large amount of people down the isle. So like the creeper that I am I walked past a few times waiting for people to leave. All I wanted was my freakin baby food and these people were taking their sweet time! So Sam (chloee's boyfriend) said you know what let me just get it for you. I made the mistake of saying yes. As chloee and I are walking to the other end of the grocery store I hear someone yell out, "Oka! What kind of baby food did you want!" Yes people definitely looked at me like I was crazy and as much as I hate to admit it my face was definitely red. Moral of the story, is the baby food really worth it? YA IT IS!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Alyson a blogger??

I asked myself the same question! Never in my life did I think I would have a blog but after reading some blogs created by my friends I was inspired. I have plenty of time and it's not like I have anything better to do. For example it is currently 8:56 on a tuesday night and for the last 2 hours I have been watching Law and Order. Plus I wouldn't want anyone to miss the crazy things that go on in apartment 3D! It get's pretty crazy I must say, but of course what do you expect when you stick Jocelyn, Chloee, and myself in an apartment together! It's just one big party to say the least. This was the move in day.Of course there can't only be 3 in an apartment so we got a new roommate! The suspense was horrible waiting for her. We came up with the worst possible scenarios. "What if she parties all the time! What if she's a drugie! What if she's a major slut! What if she's crazy!" I'm glad to say Triystnn Kohl is 100% normal and fits right in! We love our Triystnn Kohl! (yes we call her by her full name, it just flows. Can't stop the flow when you've got it!) This is Chloee (on the right), Tristynn Kohl (on the left) and me before leaving to the volleyball game!

College is a lot of fun! The school work is definitely kicking my butt but I still love it! I will be sure to blog again soon and it won't be so boring, but give me a break it's my first time:)